Who We Are
Alcoholics Anonymous is a community support group available for any alcoholic - all day, every day - for no charge. We are solely dedicated to offering alcoholics an opportunity to develop a satisfying way of life free from alcohol.
What alcoholics find at Alcoholics Anonymous is other alcoholics sharing their recovery experience with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem.
This website provides some quick Alcoholics Anonymous basics:
Alcoholics Anonymous offers a range of other material, on-line and published, that provides full information about our program of recovery.
We hope this website can assist you or those you know who have a problem with alcohol. Should you seek further information about Alcoholics Anonymous, our contact details are below.​
Our Stories
Something Missing
Like a lot of people I started drinking in my teens, but rather than just having a few and stopping I always went in hard. I always drank to get drunk. I managed to keep a lid on things for a while, enjoyed a bit of a career as a performer and enjoyed life, I was flying but there was something missing.